Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas if over but I have to share!

I had a pretty great Christmas this year.

Leif got me a new MP3 player since my iPod died on me. It's a red Zune. He had it engraved with butterflies on the back and it says..." Merry Christmas Amanda" on it too :) He is too sweet. I thought that I couldn't like anything more than I liked my iPod... I was wrong! I LOVE this thing. It's a million times easier to work with than iTunes. I also got the photo studio that I have been wanting and a pair of Dr. Martins I've been scoping out for a few months. He told me Santa was out of money and I would not be getting my new shoes so I was way excited to open them on Christmas.
While on our trip to Boise we bought a Wii. Holy crap is it a blast to play with. My arms were KILLING me the day after we got it. I am not in good shape apparently. My mom and dad came over on New Year's eve and we stayed up and played it most of the night. It's quite a workout! I must say, baseball is my favorite game!
Now it is time to take down all of the Christmas decorations and get the toys put away. It is my least favorite part of the holidays. It has to be done... so off I go to do it. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!


UrgentCookie said...

Sounds like the Wii is a ton of fun. I like the aspect of getting a workout while playing video games. :0)

Danielle said...

AWESOME! I love my Zune too. And our Wii! I love it because BOTH Clay and I like to do it. It's not just shooting games. I hate undecorating too.

Susan, Blain & kids said...

Hey Amanda sounds like you had a great Christmas I am still waiting for the pictures though (of the cards). I played the Wii with Clayton over the holiday weekend and my arms killed too. I will do you stupid tag if it will make you happy.HAHAHA!!!!jk--. Anyway missed you at the baptism.
Love you