Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I have finally finished my Christmas cards! I didn't think that I was ever going to find the time to start any of my cards or post on here for that matter. Things have been a little crazy lately. I am still feeling very sick most days and that makes it hard to find the energy to do much of anything. I can tell you, however, that I have not missed an episode of Montel or Dr. Phil in a few weeks. That should tell you how much time I have spent lying on my couch. Later today I plan to post some pics of my cards and of some of the projects that I have done recently.

Oh... I got my new catalog the other day. I am super excited to show it to all of you. I love it!! There are a lot of fun sets in this catty. I am really looking forward to the new year and all of the fun stuff that I want to do with my club.

Anyway, check back later for some fun pics of some cards and other stuff too :)


Susan, Blain & kids said...

So where are the pictures that you promised. How was Christmas? I wish I could have seen you, but we kind of missed each other. You need to start feeling better so you can post more your blog has become very boring and I don't check it much because it is always the same. Anyway have a good new year and by the way you are invited to Gabby's Baptism it is Jan 5th at 10:00 at our church. let me know if you can come.
Love ya,

Susan, Blain & kids said...

oh yah I did not get a card?????????????

Patty said...

Check out my blog site there is a picture of Paige wearing the outfit that you gave her. It is so cute.

UrgentCookie said...

Glad that you finished your cards. There were about 30 on my list that didn't get cards yet because I didn't get them done.

Hope you are feeling somewhat better. Just remember it will all be worth it once the little one gets here. :0)

You've been tagged:
The rules of the game:
• Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
• Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them.
• Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
• Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.