Saturday, December 8, 2007

Kinley can shake her booty!!

Be patient and wait till McKinley is dancing all by herself. She can really move.... Sorry the video is sooo long... couldn't shorten it.


Anonymous said...

LOL...That's too cute! SHe really gets it movin' there for a sec! I'll admit it - I'm a little jealous, kinley has better moves than me...oh, well such is life.

Danielle said...

That was so funny! Clay and I were laughing so much at Teagan's moves as well as Mckinley's! I LOVED her shaking her booty. haha cute cute kids.

Susan, Blain & kids said...

Hey very cute video. And by the way it is not that bad to be nuts. Check out my blog again and then call me.
Love you

cheryl said...

they can dance!!!Love you!!Have a good week!

cheryl said...

hey ,Susan helped me and we could not get anything to work!!!I will need your help for sure!!!!