Thursday, September 6, 2007

Last check up!

I can't tell you how excited I am to be going to the doctor today. It should be my last appointment. Just going to make sure that the D & C went okay and make sure that I am healing. It's been kindof hard to be happy the past week, but today I must say that I am feeling happy. I am soooo sick of going to the doctor. However, I want to get pregnant again very soon... so, I will be going to the doctor for that :)

Teagan is feeling a little bit better. He is going to stay with his dad this weekend while I do my stuff and Leif and Kinley go to Boise. I am going to see Chicago tonight and The Wreckers and Josh Turner tomorrow. Can't wait.

Thank you all for your kind word regarding my miscarriage. It really makes me happy to know that I have so many great friends.

Hope you all are having a great day.

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