Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I'm going to lose some weight...

I am one who needs a lot of encouragement to do anything that does not involve chocolate. I have decided to go on a diet. I started on Sunday and have lost enough weight already to motivate me to keep going. There is a weight loss ticker at the bottom of my blog so if you guys notice it not moving you need to give me a little push.... in a kind way.... if there is such a thing. Plus, wish me luck because we are going camping on Friday and I am a snacker. I tried not to buy a lot of junk food for the trip, but the kids needed to have a few yummy snacks... right?!? Anyway, keep an eye on my ticker and help me lose this weight!

1 comment:

Soguesswhat11 said...

WOW, what a great idea! I sure hope you reach your goal, then it's PARTY TIME! Good luck!